Thursday, May 10, 2018

Book Blog #1 Q3

Today I will be talking about a book I read called “The Rose That grew From Concrete” this book was put together by Tupac Shakur’s family after he past. The book is filled with just poems that he wrote himself in a notebook, each poem has a different meaning, he talks about friends, family, love, life, it’s all in there. I really enjoyed this book, a few of these poems actually got to me and had me thinking. One of my favorites is “The Fear in the Heart of a Man” I really liked this one because it reminds me of me and things that I have been through, I think there’s honestly a poem for just about anybody in this book. Well I really enjoyed it and hope you check it out, Thank you!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

My New Year Word

I’m here to talk about my New Year word and what it means to me. Now the past couple of month I’ve been having problems about lying to my parents and I’ve been getting in trouble for it. It honestly really sucks when u can’t be trusted, and I just really hate the feeling, so my goal for 2018 is to always be honest with my parents no matter what! That way I can gain my parents trust back and have the freedom I used to and I won’t be considered a liar anymore, so my word for 2018 is HONESTY. This word Is going to help me achieve my goal because this way I’ll always remember to be honest to my parents and anybody for that matter to keep their trust, this is why I chose HONESTY as my word for 2018!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Book Blog 2

Today I’m going to be talking about another book that’s I had recently read. It is called Lost and Found by Anne Schraff.
 This book is about the life of Bluford high sophomore Darcy Wills. Darcy struggles with the return of her long-absent father, the agrivating behavior of her younger sister Jamee, and the beginning of her first relationship.
Again I don’t have a favorite part like at all cause I overall honestly didn’t really enjoy the book that much, but it was decent enough to get though. Personally, I don’t recommend this book.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Book Blog


Today I am going to be talking about a book I had recently read. The book I read was Secrets in the Shadows by Anne Schraff.
 This book is about a 17 year old boy named Roylin, whose family doesn’t have a lot of money. Roylin lives in a small apartment and goes to Bluford High, he meets a girl he really likes and will do anything to get her a necklace that she really wants. But there’s a problem. He cant afford it. What will he do? Read to find out.
I don’t have a favorite part in the book because I loved the whole thing. I loved it because the book had me drawn to it every word I read and my heart was constantly racing! I most defiantly recommend this book for kids 12-14 years old for sure. This book will remind you that you have a purpose in life and to not ever think that you don’t belong, Enjoy the book!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Connection Paragraph (The Outsiders)

After Reading Organizer: To help organize your blog

I chose things from the poem “What Love Isn’t” that I thought could be connected to the Outsiders. The connection I saw from the poem was how the Greasers were treated unfairly, outside of the group of Greasers.
A quote from the poem “never pretty or clean. It stinks - you can smell it coming” made me think about how people see the Greasers. Dirty, no good , useless and unwanted people.
Another quote from the poem actually put a picture in my mind about where the Greasers lived. “It is not a five star stay. It is not compliments and it is never flattery.” That made me think about how the Greasers, that they lived on the ‘poor’ side of town.
All in all though the Greasers had it rough. They were judged by people who we much DIFFERENT from them, they were never given a chance to be seen as, well, just regular people. They are definitely not perfect people because they did do some things that weren’t so good but hey, there just people.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

My Future Awaits

In 10 years from now I hope to be a professional fighter in the UFC living in my mansion and making my family millions! If that doesn't work out I want to be an Iron Worker which I think is still an amazing career. If not THAT, a carpenter. Yep, that's right, I have a back up for my back up!  At first I wanted to be a carpenter but I thought iron working is the a like a step up so that's what I wanna do. I actually have a plan for my future but this is when I get out of high school so this is only about 4-5 years into the future.

My plan is to get a job all through out high school and save up my earnings. I can y spend a little here and there though obviously. When I get out of high shool I'm going to look for an apartment with my friend  Christopher Pico, he's such a great friend. Then once we fined one we're gonna get 2 dogs, 1 Pitbull and 1 Rottweiler, the Pitbull is his and the Rottweiler is mine. We want to train our dogs to be pretty viscous so we're gonna get them when there just little pups so they can grow up together. We also both want Chevy Camaro convertibles, I want mine all red with black stripes on the hood and trunk. I forgot what he wanted on his but we thought it was funny how we both wanted the same car since we were little kids.

Well that's the plan for my future. And yes of course I'm gonna be trying to live out my dream in the next 5-6 years after. Just not in my parents basement....

Friday, September 8, 2017

One of The Best Days of My Life

The year of 2017 on summer break and I had just gotten out of 6th grade.  My two cousins, Justine and Zak took me to Six Flags.  I had a blast. The last ride we went on was the best ride.  The Raging Bull!  I sat up front in the second row with Zak, my brother and Justine sat behind us. My brother freaked out and was scared for his life so he started crying (my brother was 10) i felt really bad, especially because of how embarassing that probably was for him. They ;et him off the ride and waited for our return.

After that incident the ride started to go, the excitement was beginning to happen. Then we stared comping up to the "picture spot" Zak yelled "put your hands up!" He throws his hands up while saying this and his left elbow hit my tooth. He grabbed his elbow with his right hand and yelled "Ahh!" It hurt him way more than me, but at that very moment, *snap* went the picture. I was dying of laughter, I couldn't wait to see what it looked like. After the ride we picked up my brother which i still felt bad for him, and went to go see our picture. Once we got up there to see it,  dude Zak face was priceless i was dying of laughter even harder then last time. I had so much fun that day with them and i thank them for it!