Friday, September 8, 2017

One of The Best Days of My Life

The year of 2017 on summer break and I had just gotten out of 6th grade.  My two cousins, Justine and Zak took me to Six Flags.  I had a blast. The last ride we went on was the best ride.  The Raging Bull!  I sat up front in the second row with Zak, my brother and Justine sat behind us. My brother freaked out and was scared for his life so he started crying (my brother was 10) i felt really bad, especially because of how embarassing that probably was for him. They ;et him off the ride and waited for our return.

After that incident the ride started to go, the excitement was beginning to happen. Then we stared comping up to the "picture spot" Zak yelled "put your hands up!" He throws his hands up while saying this and his left elbow hit my tooth. He grabbed his elbow with his right hand and yelled "Ahh!" It hurt him way more than me, but at that very moment, *snap* went the picture. I was dying of laughter, I couldn't wait to see what it looked like. After the ride we picked up my brother which i still felt bad for him, and went to go see our picture. Once we got up there to see it,  dude Zak face was priceless i was dying of laughter even harder then last time. I had so much fun that day with them and i thank them for it!


  1. Hey,This day sounds really fun I love roller coasters too but
    I have never been to six flags.

    Whats your favorite ride?

    1. You’ve never been!?!?! You HAVE to go. Your first time is always the best, the story I just told was my first time. And my favorite ride? I’d probably have to say the raging bull, but there are some very good ones like the Batman and Superman my 2 other favorites.
